Evolution without leaving the roots: based on a beautiful Experience

2 min readOct 28, 2020

Many people think of evolution as a fascinating topic, but one with little relevance to our lives in the modern world. After all, most people first encounter the idea of evolution in museums, where they see the fossilized remnants of organisms that lived long ago. Later exposure to evolution may come in courses that present the basic theory along with evidence from the tree of life and the genetic code shared by all life on earth. These people lived to survive on their own by killing animals and eating meat. After that use the skin for protection so used particular objects in the multipurpose way.
We have multipurpose people around us who will do many jobs to keep families going. We have developed our things around to work with us. I had the pleasure of meeting such a family recently inside the beautiful heaven of Antrosano, Italy. The loving family moved from Morocco to make a living here. They accept change but the things remain with them the same way for many years. The family itself evolved now into a small family as it was three families living in the same house to raise their families. The house is a small three bedroom house with a small TV lounge. Each room was allotted to one brother and his family that moved here. After two brothers moved out it was allotted to each member of the family. Even after all the changes they have been through the happiest memories for them are quite simple and original. My friend who was a part of that family as the eldest daughter and after her came one more daughter and two sons told me her favourite memory is
 “When I wake up in the morning to go to school my dad puts logs into this central heater”

so this tale is about that machine who had three jobs in the house to provide heating, warming up the water to use and heating up tea and bread. Even though life takes us on the step of fulfilling needs which are continuing to grow, we are evolutionary beings who want life to change but still needs things that we feel connected to and isnt this something we should flourish!!!




I am a student of multicultural background and writing is my passion. I am inspired by the daily life subjects to transform them into narratives.